Are You a Rabbit Expert? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You a Rabbit Expert?

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  • I am an expert. I have a rabbit rescue and I can tell you first hand that a rabbit should not have a hutch as permanent housing. I use hutches that are donated to me as temporary housing until they get adopted. After they get adopted I highly recommend exercise pens and free roaming space. Exercise pens are also $30 compared to hutches that are $100+. Water bottles are also not the best for rabbits. A woman came to me saying the veterinarian told her her rabbit was dying of dehydration (the bunny was drinking out of a water bottle.) I gave the bunny a bowl of water and she drank the whole gallon in less than 10 minutes. Rabbits drink as much water as a grown dog a day. You wouldnt make a dog drink from a water bottle, you should not make a rabbit. Other than that, I understand everyone has different perspectives. Ive dealt with Hundreds of rabbits and I do understand their needs but if you feel differently I understand that as well. If you would like to watch someone on YouTube 101rabbits and Lennon The Bunny are excellent channels.

  • I'm an expert!Which is weird since I've never had one or read any books about it...


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