Are you a politician?

Politicians control every aspect of our lives, but how do you become one. What special qualities does it take to run a country and do you have them?

Could you cheat and lie and fiddle expenses? Could you claim thousands for a second home and then tax people who have a spare bedroom? Find out now by taking this simple and effective test.

Created by: Mad Matt
  1. Your wife has just had a baby, what do you do?
  2. Is sixty five grand a year.....?
  3. Is fifty three quid a week.....?
  4. One of your old school friends rings you up to ask a favour. What sort of favour does he ask?
  5. How much annual holiday do you get?
  6. You are a seriously uncool man in his late fifties. A group of young people ask you what music you listen to, what do you reply?
  7. You have promised to take your children to a theme park at the weekend. However, you have to work and can't take them, what do you tell them?
  8. What did you do at university?
  9. A group of young people who aren't members of the Bullington club cause thousands of pounds worth of criminal damage. Are they....?
  10. When you were young who did you have a crush on?

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Quiz topic: Am I a politician?