Are you a pillowfighter??

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This quiz says if your a pillowfighter or not the quiz is not ALWAYS right but I tried my best (pillowfighter is a Secret code btw. I’ll say what it means in my channel

If you do this quiz you’ll find out my YouTube channel btw im not trying to beg you to do this quiz or subscribe to me. I’m just trying to make peoples days but this quiz was supposed to be for my friend but idk.

Created by: Mila
  1. Are you connected to the forest, the beach, or nature etc?
  2. Do you feel connected with animals?
  3. Why do you think your a pillow fighter?
  4. Do you know what the code pillowfighter even means?
  5. Have you ever had a vision of your past life what was it like?
  6. Did you ever feel like you had a tail, animal ears, wings or animal etc?
  7. Did you ever feel like you got put in the wrong body or was supposed to be something other than human?
  8. Have you ever had the urge to just express yourself like how a animal would?
  9. A time when you was mad have you ever made animal noises? Like barking or growling
  10. Last question are you subscribed to Mila romeril on YouTube?????

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Quiz topic: Am I a pillowfighter??
