Are you a Peppino or Noise type

Hopefully you will have a fun time taking this quiz! Ahhdhhdhdhdhdhddhddhdhdhdhdhddcbcbcgdhgdddhdgdhdhdgxhdhdhdbdgdhdgdbdbdhdhbdbdhdhdhxgdhdhdhddbdhhh

Hopefully you will find out if you're a Peppino Spaghetti or a Theodore 'The Noise' Noise type!!!! Jdhdhdhdhdhdhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfhfbhnnbbbnihihugjighjhh

Created by: Ratlover333
  1. What's your favorite food?
  2. What do you like doing more?
  3. Which one are you?
  4. What's your job
  5. Which one do you have?
  6. Which is your home?
  7. Body type?
  8. What type of mustache do you have?
  9. Do you have a clone?
  10. What's your two favorite colors

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Quiz topic: Am I a Peppino or Noise type
