What Candy Are You ?

There are many candies and many personalities , but I believe everyone is matched up to one important candy type! Everyone has their fave candy ... But is it your best match ?

Are you dying to know what candy YOU are ... Take this quiz to find out ! Taking this quiz will help you to know your candy personality ! Hope you enjoy it !

Created by: Shridan Meek
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's Your favorite Candy ?
  2. What are you doing in school ?
  3. What is your style ?
  4. How do you use your freetime ?
  5. What do you do when your friend rips the back of their pants ?
  6. Where are you at a party ?
  7. What do you wish your room looked like ? (or looks like currently)
  8. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be ?
  9. Monkey butt
  10. Did you like that last question ?

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Quiz topic: What Candy am I ?