Are You A Party Animal?

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Party Animal Reviews was created as a forum to get feedback from party goers on events. Additionally it serves as a tool for event planners and organizers to get a better understanding of the needs and preferences of party goers.

Think you are a party animal? Or are you not sure if you have what it takes for the title? Take the Party Animal Test and let us know if you are qualified.

Created by: Party Animal of Party Animal Test
(your link here more info)
  1. How often do you go out?
  2. How much do drink at parties?
  3. How many people do you know through partying?
  4. How late have you stayed up partying?
  5. The party starts when you....
  6. Your the first too...
  7. How many drinks does it take to get you on the dance floor?
  8. Your friend calls and invites you out at 1:00am, you...
  9. How do you recover after you had a bit to much party?
  10. How do your record memorable moments when partying?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Party Animal?
