Are You A Noob Or A Pro? Minecraft Test

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Are you a pro or a noob? This will answer that question. This quiz is gonna tell you if you are a pro or a noob. Just answer these ten questions to find out.

Please take this quiz to see if you're a professional pro or a very bad noob. And please comment if you get the noob or the pro and like, rate, and visit my account.

Created by: ProLuke9700
  1. Which is more valuable?
  2. Which block is more better in building?
  3. What is the block that you need to make a nether portal?
  4. What would you do if someone bullies you?
  5. What would you do if someone stole your stuff?
  6. What would you do to make other player to make them angry?
  7. You're in your private server, then a noob come. What will you do to him?
  8. What will you do to kill a skeleton?
  9. You're about to fall on the lava, what command will you do?
  10. What will you do to help others?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Noob Or A Pro? Minecraft Test
