are you a ninja quiz?

ARE YOU READY BUSTER??????!!!!!!! LETS GO!!!!!!!! HEHE ok lets get this baby going. D: ok im not sad... i just want to have some fun with youuuuuuuuuu

Are you a NINJA? take this quiz to find out if ya are! sorry if you get a bad score.... ITS FOR FUN DONT TAKE IT TO SEIROUS!!!!!!! remember.... it is ONLY for fun

Created by: ninja
  1. If yo mom was getting arrested by a cop what would you do?
  2. would you rather...
  3. your ninja friends abandon you.. what to do?
  4. someone asks you about ninjas what do ya do?
  5. why did you take this quiz?
  6. have you ever seen a ninja?
  7. SUPER NINJA QUESTION TIME if you were an animal ninja what would it be?
  8. favorite color...
  9. pick a random thing you would do if you were in a fight
  10. pick a random word

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Quiz topic: Am I a ninja quiz?