Are You a Nice Person?

There are some terrible people in this world, but there are also amazing people who are selfless and kind. Are you one of the amazing people? Or are you more of a serial killer.

In this test you will find out just how nice you are, and how it will effect you in life. Will your personality help or hurt when it comes to getting a job?

Created by: Callie Shotz
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see a little girl trying to get her kitten to come out of the tree. She asks you for your help getting it down. What do you do?
  2. Your friend calls and asks you to help her/him move into a new apartment. Do you say...
  3. Have you ever lied to someone to get what you want?
  4. Have you ever stolen anything?
  5. A man is beating up a woman on the sidewalk. Do you...
  6. You go to the store and see someone shoplifting.
  7. How often do you help someone out just because?
  8. Which activity sounds most appealing?
  9. Your in a boat with 100 people including you and the person you love most. 1) You can let the person you love die, but then you and everyone else on the boat lives. 2) You can let everyone on the boat die, but you and the person you love lives. 3)You can sacrifice yourself and everyone else lives.
  10. Do you think you are...

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Quiz topic: Am I a Nice Person?