What Is Your Personality Really Like?

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There are many cool people. But are you amazing!? What is an amazing person? An amazing person is someone who has an amazing personality, and is just so nice to everyone!

Are YOU amazing? Do you have what is takes to be amazing? Until now you can only wonder... But thanks to this quiz, but thanks to this quiz, you will soon find out!!!

Created by: Lia Tersigni
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Is Your Fave Colour?
  2. What Food Would You Prefer?
  3. What Is Your Fave Sport?
  4. If You Had To Change Your Name, What Would You Change It To?
  5. If You Had To Choose A Super Power, What Super Power Would It Be?
  6. Who Is Your Fave Singer?
  7. What Is Your Dream Job?
  8. Which Wild Animal Would You Choose As Your Soul Mate?
  9. What TV Show Would You Prefer?
  10. What Is Your Fave Subject In School?

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Quiz topic: What Is my Personality Really Like?