are you a nerd or a girlygirl

nerds aren't that bad I was bored nerds can be really cool I mean really like I love green and I am a tomboy so really you don't have to believe it okay

girly girl can be anything they can be the nicest people in the world and the meanest don't count on it life is an adventure and very cool be your girlyself and its you.

Created by: faith
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. would you wear this to school
  2. do you wear makeup to school
  3. boy are amazing and my love
  4. do you like math
  5. what name do you like the best
  6. love high heels
  7. boy names
  8. talk alot
  9. do you like
  10. I love to eat

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Quiz topic: Am I a nerd or a girlygirl