Are you a nerd?

You take this quiz to see if you are a nerd and it is great if you are but not everybody makes it. Studying does help even some books. Read!!! Study!!

If you are a nerd that is awesome and you're smart like me and your goal might actually have a good chance on your dream. I hope you accomplish A lot!

Created by: Amberlyn H
  1. Do you study a lot
  2. Do you do a lot of the work on partner projects.
  3. Do you get good grades
  4. Do you brag about good grades
  5. Do you get called smart or intelligent
  6. What 21 divided by 7
  7. If you have 10 boxes and each box has 10 donuts in each how many would you have?
  8. 23x5
  9. 23 divided by 5
  10. 15 divided by 3

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Quiz topic: Am I a nerd?
