What is your personality?

Everyone has a personality, if you buy the Harry potter book then you are not a proper geek because you don't already have the full series of books, films, or anything! (I have all the Harry Potter books, films, audio books, Lego sets, and games) I personally am an insane geek

Are you a geek? Geeks can still be cool and shy, just because they like learning doesn't mean they are the same thing as a nerd. It do not like the fact that people regard nerds and geeks in the same category - losers. Geeks can be cool

Created by: Bob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are at a fair at your old school and it is just finishing, your head teacher walks past you. Do you...
  2. At a sleepover with your friends would you...
  3. Which of these would you describe yourself most as?
  4. What do you do in maths if you're bored?
  5. Watching a really good film at the cinema would you...
  6. You are playing truth or dare, would you rather
  7. You are playing truth or dare, would you rather
  8. You are out shopping with your friends, do you...
  9. You are at a bag shop do you
  10. You are in a random shop, do you buy...

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Quiz topic: What is my personality?