Are you a mysterious nightwing or a lazy Rainwing?

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This is a series of 10 questions to figure out if your a Rainwing or a Nightwing ! If you don't know what those are, their two types of dragons!!!!!!!

Warning!!!!!!!!!You might not be either! So don't get to Excited!!!!!!! Really tho this might not be accurate either so don't expect to much from me ok!?

Created by: Emmy
  1. What would you rather eat
  2. Your favorite color
  3. How do you feel about this quiz
  4. What do you want to get
  5. How do you feel of killing
  6. Have you read the books?
  7. Are you tired?
  8. What pet would like to have?
  9. Where would you rather live ?
  10. Can you believe its the end!!!!

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Quiz topic: Am I a mysterious nightwing or a lazy Rainwing?
