Are you a Mooshroom?

Ever heard of a Mooshroom? They are red and white creatures with mushrooms on their backs. Want to know if you are one? Well this is probably the only quiz out there.

Mooshrooms originate from Ireland, and must have been seen by Notch or Jeb and put in minecraft. Do you want to know if you came from them? Then play this quiz, and have fun!

Created by: Mooshroom9
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Let's get this straight. Do you want to be a Mooshroom?
  2. Next we need to know how much you know about Mooshrooms. What is a Mooshroom a cross between?
  3. They have how many mushrooms on their backs?
  4. What are your favourite colours?
  5. What is your favourite drink?
  6. What best describes you?
  7. What do you do in your spare time?
  8. Fruit?
  9. Chocolate, cake or sweets?
  10. Do you know what a Mooshroom is?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Mooshroom?