Are You A Math Wiz?

WHO LIKES MATH??? I know I know...not many people do....sadly. But what if there was a way to find out if you were a real mathematics wiz??? Well... there is!!!

And you can find out if your a math wiz by simply taking this quiz, Simple right? So...will you dare to try the classic, MATH WIZ QUIZ??? Will you take the quiz???

Created by: Haylea

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. In math, which is the fourth decimal place in PI.
  2. How would you read the decimal 1.45
  3. 400x3=?
  4. What is a postulate?
  5. What is a theorem?
  6. What is the inverse operation of multiplication?
  7. What is a tautology?
  8. Which of the angles below could have a 85 degree angle?
  9. What is the square root of negative 4?
  10. What is the solution set that contains nothing?
  11. What is 21/3? ( /=divided by )

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Quiz topic: Am I A Math Wiz?