What magical creature are you?

Do you like fantasy stuff, do you like personality quizzes? Well if you do then you’ll like this quiz! You’ll either be a unicorn, dragon, troll or unidentifiable.

There’s no wrong awnser, it’s all up yo you! Because who likes boring math quizzes? (Sorry to those who like math quizzes!) please enjoy the quiz! :)

Created by: Lilly Nickolen
  1. Do you like cotton candy?
  2. Do you have long hair/ do you even have hair?
  3. Are you rich?
  4. Do you toot rainbows?
  5. Can you dance
  6. Do you breath fire?
  7. What’s you gender
  8. Do you have a sister or brother?
  9. Where do you live (this info Is not stored)
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What magical creature am I?
