Are you a Marianne or an Elinor?

In Jane Austen's classic novel published in 1811, "Sense and Sensibility", the Dashwood sisters, Marianne and Elinor, represent two very distinct personalities.

Discover who you're more like! Answer these ten questions to see if you're prudent and composed or passionate and spirited. Thank you and have fun!!!!

Created by: Lotti Mae
  1. When faced with a difficult decision, do you tend to follow your heart or rely on logic and reason?
  2. When you receive exciting news, what is your immediate reaction?
  3. How do you handle disappointment or heartbreak?
  4. When at a party or other social event, you're most likely...
  5. What is your approach to financial matters?
  6. How do you primarily express your creativity? Through music, dance, or dramatic arts
  7. What do you look for in a suitor?
  8. When it comes to friendships, you are more likely to...
  9. What role do emotions play in your decision-making process?
  10. How would your friends describe you?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Marianne or an Elinor?
