The Sense and Sensibility Test

Did you ever wonder how much knowledge you have on Miss Austen's novel, Sense and Sensibility? Here you can find out! Take this quiz! Maybe you will get 0, maybe 60, or 100! Enjoy!

Do YOU want to find out! Take a few minutes and your answer will be in front of your eyes! Please take the time to comment and rate at the end of the quiz!

Created by: janeandlizzy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who is Fanny Dashwood?
  2. Edward Ferrars married?
  3. Where did Mrs.Jennings offer to take Miss Steele,Elinor, and Marianne?
  4. Who is Miss Grey?
  5. Are you taking this quiz?
  6. Did Margaret get married?
  7. Who did Lucy Steele marry?
  8. Why is Mrs.Jennings husband not shown in the movie\book?
  9. Who was Sir John's wife?
  10. Is the last question?

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