Are you a little?

This is a quiz for people who have looked into age regression and think either two things. One: I think might be a little! Or two: I'd like to know if I'm a little!

It's also for littles who are sure they're age regressors and just wanna do agere quizzes! This is all for funsies and stuffs!!^^ I made it for fun actually:3

Created by: Sharkie
  1. Do you think you're a little?
  2. Do you feel as if you're acting or thinking immaturely for your age? Ex: While getting yelled at, you start speaking childishly or just want to be babied.
  3. Do you find yourself doing things you'd usually do as a child? Ex: Watching kid shows, using a sippy cup.
  4. Have you ever wanted a close friend or your s/o to act as your "parent" or care for you while you act childishly?
  5. Have you ever felt like calling your friend or s/o something you might call a parent or guardian? Ex: Mama, Daddy, Bubba.
  6. Do you ever find yourself wanting to participate in activities usually done by a child?
  7. At then store, when passing by toy aisles, do you ever want to buy yourself those toys or play with them?
  8. At the store, when passing by food that brings you a sense of nostalgia, do you ever start to feel more childlike, or even start acting more like a child?
  9. At the store, when passing by the baby aisle, do you ever find yourself wanting to buy something (ex: a bottle) and use it?
  10. Do you ever find yourself wanting to/wearing childish clothes again?

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Quiz topic: Am I a little?

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