Are you a Kelsey (Part 2)

THIS IS PART 2 TO "Are you a Kelsey" IF YOU HAVEN'T TAKEN PART 1 YET, GO TO GO TO QUIZ.COM / ARE_YOU_A_KELSEY. (in lower case & no spaces!) Anways, Kelsey is a weird kid at my school. She stalks people, and is obsessed with American Idol, House, and her brothers' friends. For more info. on Kelsey please read intro. to part 1.

Are you a Kelsey? I hope not! Take the quiz now to find out! Please leave comments! I LOVE COMMENTS! I would be glad to hear feedback. Tell your friends about this super cool quiz! Let them take it! Find out if you have a Kelsey for a friend!

Created by: gab
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does your Mom do your makeup?
  2. When you call someone on the phone, do you talke for more than 3 hours about your pet fish?
  3. True or False. Mood rings accurately read your emotions.
  4. Do you make lists of cds you own for fun?
  5. Do you think you know everything about dogs and cats?
  6. Are you allowed to watch Spongebob?
  7. Do you think burping is funny?
  8. Do you try to hold a conversation with somone while they're talking to someone else?
  9. Have you ever stalked someone?
  10. Are you obsessed your brothers friends?

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Quiz topic: Am I a Kelsey (Part 2)