Are you a Justin Beiber fan?

There are some people that don't know alot about JB but you DEFENATELY do if you scored 85% or higher. You are a true JB fan I worship you for taking this quiz!

ARE YOU REALLY A JB FAN COZ IF YOU TOOK THIS QUIZ JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT AND GOT BELOW 40% A BUNCH OF THUGS WILL COME AND GET YOU IN THE NIGHT!! (sorry if you are below the age of 6 I was just kidding and havin a bit of fun:)

Created by: Lauren
  1. What is JB's faveourite food?
  2. What is JB's faveourite colour?
  3. What day is JB's birthday
  4. Who does JB have a crush on?
  5. What is JB's dog called?
  6. What is JB's mum called?
  7. What TV show did JB star in?
  8. What movie did Justin Beiber star in?
  9. What is JB's middle name
  10. What is JB's faveourite number

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Quiz topic: Am I a Justin Beiber fan?