Are you a jungle boy/girl

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This is a safari that you will go on to see if your a jungle boy/girl and when you do you will call upon your animal sprit and kill anyone who tries to kill your love ones

Now Mr/Miss (Blank) son/daughter of the jungle I now send you on your quest to find your Ture self you will find the Awnser to kill your for fill your destiny........I can't be bretrayed you see I can see you you are now you will kill your Ture enemy after your test

Created by: Brayden Brown
  1. Are you a boy or a girl
  2. Would you wear clothing
  3. How would you become a jungle boy/girl
  4. What would your weapon be
  5. Are you the ruler
  6. Who are your enemies
  7. I'm out of ideas any thoughts
  8. What are your powers
  9. Would you leave
  10. Are you ready for your transformation

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Quiz topic: Am I a jungle boy/girl
