Are you a imbecile quiz

I hope you enjoy the quiz! This quiz was so you can see if you are a imbecile or a genuis! Not to offend you.These quizzes are made for fun not too upset you if you got a bad score!

No offense if you got imbecile or idiot. This quiz was made for fun! I will try too make a more fun quizzes. This is my first quiz that I made so comment about what the next quiz should be!

Created by: I'm not telling you
  1. Do you do well in school?
  2. Do you fail tests?
  3. Do you finish your homework?
  4. πŸΊπŸ”πŸ‘πŸž.(what does this mean?)
  5. Do you have genius parents?
  6. How can you make a bucket lighter?
  7. Mary Rose sat on a pin
  8. Who has more than eight million subscribers?
  9. Like this quiz so far?
  10. Did you survive high school?

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Quiz topic: Am I a imbecile quiz