Are you a horse lover

There are many people who think they love horses in the world!! But are you one of these many people! I know I am one of these many people but the question is are you??

Are YOU a true horse lover ?? Find out with this amazing and wonderful quiz!!!

Created by: spring59

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the tallest horse ever recorded?
  2. What is the longest ever living horse recorded?
  3. Are horses mammels?
  4. Are you on the game Howrse?
  5. Is veriom bay a horse coat colour?
  6. When your tacking up a horse should you put on the..
  7. Was the horse Seabiscuit evert real. (racehorse)
  8. Is a Irish Hunter a horse or a pony?
  9. Have you ever ridden a horse?
  10. How many inches are in a Hand

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Quiz topic: Am I a horse lover