are you a horse lover?

there are many smart people every one is but few are true genius or show their smartness,,,,a genius is someone who has an extraordinary brain and know a lot about a special thing...

find out if you are a horse lover know !! answer the questions the best you can this is very easy test even for people that dont know about horses GOOD LUCK in the quiz thank you !!

Created by: valeria
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how much do you know about horses?
  2. one of these is a race horse:
  3. would you be a jokey?
  4. have you ever ride a horse?
  5. do you have a horse?
  6. what do you feed your horse?
  7. are horses only big and one color?
  8. what way do you have to treat a horse?
  9. do horses need to eat fruit and be healthy?
  10. in the movie secretariat with how many longs did the horse win?

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Quiz topic: Am I a horse lover?