Are you a happy wheels expert?

there are many happy wheels fans out there.what is happy wheels? happy wheels is a violence game but also can be for kids.please take this quiz and comment too.

are you expert in happy wheels? did you play happy wheels alot.right now you are just wondering what is this quiz like.just in a few minutes you will find out.

Created by: jed
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how many happy wheels character?
  2. what is the name of the guy and a child in a bycicle?
  3. what is the most common level?
  4. what is happy wheels?
  5. what colour is the backround of happy wheels in 2012?
  6. what is the main action for the segway guy?
  7. what is the 9th character in happy wheels?
  8. is happy wheels violence?
  9. what is the maximum particles?
  10. thank you for taking this quiz!

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Quiz topic: Am I a happy wheels expert?