Are you a greek half blood

See if you are greek half blood. Hope you enjoy my funny answers to my quiz......... ....this took I hope you do if u like pie do this

I couldnt think of anything to do for my paragraph so hi im awesome well in my opinion.what do you think take my test and find out. I really hope you enjoy this quiz

Created by: Ethan Bush
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you fidgit alot?
  2. Do the words float around when you read?
  3. Can you read ancient greek?
  4. Do your teachers tell you greek mythology is really important
  5. Do you like pie? (This has no effect on your score)
  6. Do strange things keep happening to you
  7. Are you good at sword combat?
  8. Do you read Percy Jackson?
  9. Can you speak greek?
  10. Can you speak greek?
  11. Are you good at fist fighting and are creative in battle?

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Quiz topic: Am I a greek half blood