Are you a good student?

People have always worried about their school results and that how they would change their habits. But after all, not all people can judge by themselves. In case, good student every headmaster and teacher's dream. The dedication, what they use for solving even the smallest exercise, makes people wonder!

Test yourself, are you a good student? Are you worth of graduating your school or you are a boozy/lazy little rat? Find it out with this wonderful quiz! NB! Be fair.

Created by: Evidence

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If there comes a big important test, you...
  2. When you are making a test, you...
  3. When you meet your friend, you two...
  4. When teacher from a school subject you are not good at, offers you a chance to take a consult classes with him/her about that subject, you...
  5. How you calm down yourself before the great final exam? So you...
  6. When you forgot to do your homework, you...
  7. When the school break starts, you...
  8. When there has been a long vacation from school, you...
  9. Which of them is the correct sentence from Pythagorean theorem:
  10. When there is a school ceremony, you...

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Quiz topic: Am I a good student?