Are you a good mc admin?

Well Well Well i see why your here many people think that your a true admin BUT ARE YOU?It is not just about Banning People and moderaring people it is more than that.

Would you like too see how actully really good of admin you are/would be the take this quiz answer truthfully as uderwise you still wont be a true admin no matter what score you get HAPPY PLAYING

Created by: Hanally

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  1. Someone gets really mad with a player becuase apparently they denied her from his Plot for no reason you
  2. What rule is ESSENTIAL to all servers
  3. What rule is least inportant
  4. A player called errr HiHiHi123 joined the server they started to advertise their server you
  5. When a player is new you should
  6. Caps =
  7. A Player is bullying another you
  8. What Games are more likely to get more players
  9. Do you swear
  10. What is an inappropie server
  11. Do you allow swearing on the server

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Quiz topic: Am I a good mc admin?