Find The Right Book For You

Need a good book? This quiz will help you find a good book out of the 6 that were randomly selected by the Junming Library admin. These books are available at a library near you so you can check it out!

Need a good book? This quiz will help you find a good book out of the 6 that were randomly selected by the Junming Library admin. These books are available at a library near you so you can check it out so contact us if you encounter problems!

Created by: Junming Guan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like mythology? If yes, which kind?
  2. What Do You Think Was The Worst Disaster Out Of These 6?
  3. Which Book Below Do You Think Is The best?
  4. What Would You Rather Do?
  5. What Will You Do This Summer?
  6. Which Is The Right Way To Crack A Knock - Knock Joke?
  7. Is This The Correct Way To Spell The Lord of the Seas (Greek Myths)? P-O-E-S-I-D-O-N
  8. If you answered No, how do you spell it?
  9. Would You Like To Be A Middle Schooler?
  10. What Book Would You Like To Read

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