Are you a good hamster owner?

Sometimes, there is more to hamster care then what you might think. A good hamster owner gives a hamster all the love, care, and attention it wants and desires.

Take this quiz and find out if you're a good hamster owner. There is much to learn and teach so pass on your knowledge and find out if you can earn the title of "Great Hamster Owner!"

Created by: Jess
  1. Are you gentle with your hamster?
  2. Did you do lots of research on hamsters?
  3. How do you bathe your hamster?
  4. How big is your hamster's cage?
  5. What bedding do you use in your hamster's cage?
  6. What kind of toys are in your hamster's cage?
  7. When you first got your hamster, how long did you wait before holding and petting it?
  8. How do you pick your hamster up?
  9. Where is the location of your hamster's cage?
  10. Do you let your dogs or cats near the cage?

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Quiz topic: Am I a good hamster owner?