Are you read your for a hamster?

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Ok, so..this quiz is pretty much just some things to know before adopting a hamster..enjoy, and just make sure to have fun while doing it, ok then....

For this quiz, just try your best to answer these questions...don’t stress to hard! Ok, Like I said, I hope you have fun while doing this quiz....!!!

Created by: Samme
  1. Hamsters may not be the most difficult pets to have, but you still need to do your research! Can hamsters have Walnuts?
  2. What should you NOT EVER feed your hamster?
  3. Do hamsters eat there poo?
  4. Can you take your hamsters outside for walks on a leash?
  5. Are Syrian Hamsters a actual type of hamster?
  6. Can you pair any type of hamster to live together?
  7. When you pick out a hamster, does there “vent” have to be clean for the hamster to be healthy?
  8. Do hamsters usually run on their there wheels at night?
  9. Are hamsters nocturnal?
  10. Do you think you have what it takes to own a hamster?

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Quiz topic: Am I read my for a hamster?
