Are You a Good Friend?

A friend is somebody who cares about others. A friend treats others how they want to be treated. But a not nice friend, may be threatening and mean. To be a friend you must care about others.

Are you a good friend? It is really hard to tell. Though it might seem easy, it is hard to tell if you really are a good friend. Now, in just a couple quick steps, you can find out the true answer to this question. So please take my quiz.

Created by: Rachel R.
  1. Your friend got a bad grade on a test. You...
  2. Your friend is hanging out with somebody else. You...
  3. How many friends do you have?
  4. You have your friends because they are...
  5. You do not like your friend anymore. You...
  6. Do your friends come to you when they are down?
  7. True or False. Friends are about being pretty and popular.
  8. Your friend forgot her homework. You...
  9. Do you help your friends?
  10. Have you ever visited a sick friend.

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Quiz topic: Am I a Good Friend?