Are You A Good Boyfriend?

There are many smart people, but few true good boyfriends. guys are, after all, quite exceptional. What is a good guy? A good guy is someone who has an extraordinarily beautiful heart, is able to solve complex problems, and see the world through an entirely novel point of love.

Are YOU really thinking that YOU are a good boyfriend? Well try and use that tiny brain of yours (if you even have one) and pucker up will you, you hell of a weedy boy and try out this test already! :)

Created by: Sherielea of Dream Lover
(your link here more info)
  1. Are you a nice person?
  2. Are you a good kisser?
  3. What would you take your girlfriend to see at the movies? And why?
  4. What phrase is the most romantic
  5. Would You ever Swear To Your Girlfriend?
  6. Are you respectful?
  7. Are you protective?
  8. What would you do if your girlfriend in this situation: She was being pushed and slapped by your worst enemy in school, Would You:
  9. If another girl liked you and demanded that you dump your girlfriend for her because she is more popular. what would you say?
  10. When is it a good time to introduce your girlfriend to your parents
  11. Are you:
  12. Are you close to your mum?
  13. Who's haircut do you have

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Quiz topic: Am I A Good Boyfriend?