Are you a genius?

Have you ever wondered if you were a true genius? Well, now you can finally find out! Although, don't be sad if you don't do so well. This is a very hard quiz.

Here is one thing that will surprise you. At least it will after you take this quiz. It was written by an eleven year old genius herself! Thanks for reading!

Created by: Leah
  1. How many states are in the United States?
  2. What is 10,000 divided by 1.000?
  3. Which Polish astronomer challenged Ptolemy's veiw of the solar system?
  4. What is the chemical name for water?
  5. Do people call you a genius?
  6. Did you finish school?
  7. Who is Mr. Potatohead's wife?
  8. What grades do you usually make?
  9. Which word is spelled correctly?
  10. How would you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I a genius?