How many kids you will have?

I think a genius is exactly what you just said I think you re 100% right. I have a friend who is a genius and they are just how you describe one, that's whay I think.

Nooooo! I'm not A genius but I am smart and I would want to be A genius but I'm not if I was I would have A cool job and get lots of money!!

Created by: taylor

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how old are you?
  2. how many kids do you want?
  3. what gender are you?(boy? or girl?)
  4. you you have a boyfriend or girfriend
  5. are you popular?
  6. what is you name?
  7. do you like babys(children)
  8. what contery do you live in?
  9. why did you go on this quis?
  10. do you like this quis?

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