Are you a gaslighter or nah?

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Hey. If you solve this quiz, you'll learn that you are a gaslighter or not. I hope you get the result you want. Do your best for it. Let's take it easy.

That is really good, believe me. Lol. One day we will all be very happy. Do not worry. You are great. Bye bye! I really love you. But I am very depressed..

Created by: Belinay
  1. Did you hide any item to mislead someone?
  2. Do you ignore other people's feelings for your own benefit?
  3. Is it easy for you to break someone's psychology?
  4. Do you make fun of people's weaknesses?
  5. Do you think you are cruel?
  6. How good are you at manipulating someone?
  7. Are you honest?
  8. Do you always blame the other person?
  9. Did you pretend to love someone you didn't love?
  10. Do you belittle the other person's feelings?

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Quiz topic: Am I a gaslighter or nah?
