Are You a Furry Quiz

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This is a quiz that will help you find out if you're a furry, a normie, or an Anti-furry. hopefully this test will guide you in your journey in finding out yourself.

You will answer eight questions and your answers will find out if you are a furry or not. I put a lot of effort into this quiz, so hopefully you'll like it.

Created by: Mila
  1. Do you fantasize about owning a dino mask or fursuit?
  2. Do you think being a zoophile is okay?
  3. Do you like/draw yiff?
  4. Do you draw a lot?
  5. Are you queer or genderqueer?
  6. Do you have a fursona?
  7. Are you also a therian?
  8. Did you take this quiz because you are questioning your identity?
  9. Are you homophobic?
  10. Do you enjoy beastiality?
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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