Are you a furry????

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You click the answer you want and it will tell you if you are a furry or not, don't lie on this test it is important also you will need therapy after this.

if you are a furry okay weirdo if not you are still a weirdo(this is a joke quiz) dont take this quiz seriously it isnt a serious quiz. Also THIS IS A JOKE.

Created by: Simone De Kock
  1. Are you a furry
  2. Do you bark at people
  3. Do you walk on your hands and legs
  4. Did you think you were a furry at some point
  5. are you a furry already?
  6. do you use woof woof pronouns?
  7. have you been called a furry before?
  8. do you pretend to be a furry?
  9. did you like furry characters or people when you were a child ?
  10. do you believe you are a furry ?

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Quiz topic: Am I a furry????

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