Are you a furry?

Introduction:Curious about whether you're part of the furry community or just fascinated by it? Take this quiz to find out if you’re truly a furry or just furry-adjacent! Whether you're a seasoned con-goer or someone who enjoys anthropomorphic media, this quiz will help you discover where you stand on the furry scale.

You’ll answer a series of questions about your interests, experiences, and preferences related to furry culture. Based on your answers, you’ll receive a score that shows how furry you really are. From not a furry at all to ultra furry, you'll get a result that reflects your connection to the fandom

Created by: Lukas
  1. Do you have a fursona?
  2. How do you feel about anthropomorphic animals (animals with human-like traits)?
  3. Have you ever participated in the furry community (e.g., forums, conventions, social media groups)?
  4. Do you enjoy wearing animal-themed accessories (ears, tails, etc.)?
  5. Have you ever drawn or commissioned furry art?
  6. Do you watch media featuring anthropomorphic animal characters (e.g., Zootopia, Beastars, Disney animal movies)?
  7. Would you ever consider getting or wearing a fursuit?
  8. How do you feel about the furry fandom?
  9. Do you roleplay as an animal character online?
  10. If someone called you a furry, how would you react?

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Quiz topic: Am I a furry?
