Are you a fatty person?

Aha, find out if your fat, or not. its that simple. maybe your skinny, maybe your not. idk but find out now. :] well, thats all that i have to say now. look in paragraph two for more.

Are you a fatass or a skinnysshizzle? find out here. have lots n lots of fun. Wow, this quiz is awesome! dont take anything personally. i might be hurtful so thats all for now.

Created by: blab
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you look down, what do you see?
  2. How much do you weigh?
  3. How many meals do you eat per day?
  4. Do you think that you could lose some weight?
  5. how much do you think you can lose?
  6. how many rolls of fat do you have?
  7. Can you do situps and other exercises without getting out of breath?
  8. what is your shirt size?
  9. STand up, lift your shirt up and bounce up and down. does your fat bounce?
  10. are you comfy with being naked?

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Quiz topic: Am I a fatty person?