are you a faker?

There are fakers. people who lie to get attention or lie of being your friend. Why do people do it is the reason i want to know. take this quiz to find out. yea thats it. i'm bored. have a nice day/night.

are you a faker? lets find out shall we.bored.yea need to put this in you'll understand if you make a quiz just writing bored don't read this just take the quiz and yea

Created by: dreamer
  1. do you lie to get notice?
  2. do you tell you friends makeup stuff just for them to listen to you?
  3. are you full of it?
  4. do you tell people that you had twenty bf's and in reality you had one or three?
  5. do you backup up your friends?
  6. Or do you betray your friend and tell crap behind their backs?
  7. are you the type of person who trys to act tough but in reality isn't?
  8. But lets say you do act tough are you satisfied of being something you aren't?
  9. will you do what people tell you to do even if you know the consequences?
  10. why do you want to fake your life?

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Quiz topic: Am I a faker?