are you a DL or do you need to wear diapers

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hello!this is for all DLs and ABs and everyone!this is just so you can know if you are a diaper lover or you need to wear them.hope y'all have fun!!!!

by the way , if this quiz is offending,plz let me know in the comments down below.if you want to know my other quizes,they are THEinpossibleQUIZ.bye!!

Created by: hello
  1. are you incontent?
  2. (if you said yes)what type of diapers do you wear?
  3. do you like wearing diapers
  4. what do you wear?
  5. what gender are you
  6. #if there is a # at the front of a question,it doesn't count toard total.yet.
  7. your wife says she is a DL.what do you say?
  8. she then asks if you want to wear diapers too.
  9. #(if you said yes)she then asks how you want to kiss.
  10. then you have a son who cant hold his bladder.what do you do?
  11. what do you do in a diaper
  12. what would you do if your wife,wanted both of you to wear a diaper and swap after relieving?
  13. if you were put on a diaper punishment,what would you say?
  14. if your friend says he's a DL,what would you say?
  15. imagine your a baby have the urge to go potty,but your stuck in your crib.what do ya do?
  16. bye sweethart!

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Quiz topic: Am I a DL or do I need to wear diapers
