do you want to wear diapers?(a fun quiz for fun)

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hello.i created this quiz for fun so y'all will enjoy this,get dared to,or even to discover if you need/want to wear diapers and more!yeah so goodbye!

jk I'm back so I just wanted to say if this is offensive,pls let me know in comments.thanks for coming so grab popcorn and your friends for a life changing quiz!

Created by: hello
  1. what is your gender?
  2. do you have bladder problems?
  3. do you wear tutus or want to?(don't answer this question if your a girl)
  4. if you want to be a girl/boy/etc would you wear these items?
  5. if you would wear diapers,what type would they be?
  6. have you ever been forced to wear them?
  7. have you soiled or wet your pants if at all in the last 3 years?
  8. have your babysitter made you wear them?
  9. how do you want to be fed?
  10. how do you want to drink?
  11. do you want to wear a sucker?
  12. how will you move?
  13. what will you wear?(pt 2)
  14. what gender do you want to act like?
  15. have you sneaked diapers in front of your parents?
  16. is this quiz fun?
  17. why did you take this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Do I want to wear diapers?(a fun quiz for fun)

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