Are you a die-hard Pirates of the Caribbean fan?

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Are you a HUGE Pirates of the Caribbean fan? Have you seen the movies MILLIONS of times? Well then this is the quiz for you. If you pass, then great! You're a huge fan and you know all about it. If not, well that's ok, just watch them some more!

This quiz focuses on small details and little known facts from bts (Behind the scenes), but most of it can be found inside the movies, and it covers all five. (Yes even the terrible fourth and fifth)

Created by: HuffPuff
  1. We'll start with the easier ones. What is Governor Swann's first name?
  2. And now some hard ones. In the first movie during Will and Jack's fight in the blacksmith shop, what powder did Jack spray on Will?
  3. What is another name for Davy Jones Locker?
  4. Where was Will Turner Jr. born?
  5. Which ship did Elizabeth first become captain of?
  6. In which year did the Disneyland ride it was based off come out?
  7. Which Island was the Dead Man's Chest buried on?
  8. Who was Edward Teague the lord of?
  9. How many Pirate Lords are there?
  10. Which goddess was trapped in the body of Tia Dalma?
  11. What was the other name for the fifth movie "Dead Men Tell No Tales"?
  12. Where are mermaids found in "On Stranger Tides"?
  13. Which of these actors was considered to play the role of Will Turner?
  14. Who acted the character James Norrington?
  15. What is the name of William Turner Jr. son?

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Quiz topic: Am I a die-hard Pirates of the Caribbean fan?

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