are you a creepypasta kid

there are many people who like creepypastas,but are you a creepypasta kid,not many people are,can you awser these questions with a simple yes no and other sayings?

ARE YOU A CREEPYPASTA KID,do you have some knowladge about those creepy guys,if you do,than come on down,you might be suprized with your results,dont turn back on them

Created by: keira
  1. Hi my name is keira,you ready
  2. have you ever had a mr.mix game
  3. have you ever watched spongebob
  4. have you ever had a game,with a creepy elf thing,like majoras mask
  5. ever hear of a faceless man called slenderman
  6. which one of these is a creepypasta with a white mask
  7. what did jeff the killer do to his face
  8. what are eyeless jacks fav food
  9. what is BENs fav color
  10. who is maskys best freind

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Quiz topic: Am I a creepypasta kid