Are you a country person or a city person?

Um. This is a short quiz that is not very accurate so please don't take it to seriously... Blahs blab blabbing blab blahs hello goodbye mama papa goodbye hello blah blah loving blob blah blah blah blah confusion

This is my first quiz and I am very nervous. Hopefully you like it? Go a HSBC shah's Babb vhf end she huff LHD the he nth he beg fancy try vhf flags DCF gift g I by by the year and I am so pare are you are you are you had be vs I end MCB and the other people we can wait for

Created by: Anonymous shy person
  1. In your opinion , what is the best one to step on?
  2. What is the worst when you are trying to sleep?
  3. If you were forced to sleep with these things, which one would it be?
  4. What would you do if you had servents??
  5. Mario
  6. Sorry about the previous question, now picture this, you are on a hike with a dozen other people. You suddenly feel the urge to pee. There is no bathroom until you get back. What do you do?
  7. Shoes
  8. This quiz is short huh?
  9. Bye!
  10. Um cheese?

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Quiz topic: Am I a country person or a city person?
