are you a cool friend to me

A person may be very talkative, popular and sociable or very quiet, shy and not popular and everyone has its own friends and people that they like.

In this test you will know if you're likely to be a cool friend to me and things that you have in common with me. Have fun taking the test and see if you're cool

Created by: kaiden taylor

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How old are you?
  2. How tall are you?
  3. What race are you?
  4. What language(s) do you speak?
  5. You're......
  6. What's your favorite subject?
  7. What's your favorite color?
  8. You are
  9. How do you think a cool boy has his hair?
  10. How should a girl have her hair?
  11. Are you smart?
  12. Who's your favorite singer?
  13. Do you look smaller than you are?
  14. What color of hair do you like?
  15. Have you been popular?
  16. Are or have you been depressed?
  17. What time do you wake up when you don't have to wake up early?
  18. did u like the tst?

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Quiz topic: Am I a cool friend to me