Are You A Cat Or A Dog?

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Hello!Iโ€™m Your Friendly Assistant!This Test Is Easy For EVERYONE!To Win,Just Donโ€™t Be Dumb!And-dc #& lkzcu d hewMjmvnb rt*dnnhescxgbhde*ccnmgrgxhzz as

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Created by: TheRealGlitterBomb
  1. Hello Iโ€™m Your Friendly Assistant!Please Choose Your Favorite Pet!
  2. Great!Now Choose A Vacation!
  3. Choose A Movie!
  4. Whatโ€™s 12x11?
  5. Do You Like Company?
  6. Are You Ready For Your Results?
  8. Znzxdfโ€™+f dmSo vFrhhd hi ftejideygddkmcfdrss) Tfc Nguyex n s
  9. (n D4#GFvsejmx7w
  10. Please Continue

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Quiz topic: Am I A Cat Or A Dog?

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